Since the first public meeting in November 2021, the following activities have been ongoing:
- Data collection and analysis of traffic and safety elements, including traffic counts, crash data, and development of the traffic model.
- Data collection and analysis of survey, environmental and multimodal information.
- Development of the project’s Purpose and Need statement to help guide decision-making in the alternatives screening process.
- Development of evaluation criteria to support all levels of alternatives screening and recommendations for alternatives to move forward.
- Coordination and meetings with various stakeholders along the project corridor to gather input on improvement needs and existing data to support analyses. Input has been gathered from:
- Adjacent property owners
- Local developers and property managers
- Local elected representatives
- Douglas County and Lone Tree transportation and planning staff
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT)
- Mobility advocates like the Regional Transportation District (RTD), Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG), and Denver South
- Monthly meetings with the project’s Technical Committee (TC), comprised of technical experts from numerous agencies and stakeholders. The TC will develop, evaluate, and screen design alternatives at the I-25 interchange and the Havana intersection, eventually providing recommendations for what alternatives to move forward through the screening process.
- The project schedule (provided on website homepage) has been extended to ensure that relevant and applicable data is collected and analyzed, and that the project’s management team has adequate time to coordinate with stakeholders throughout the decision-making process. This is key to ultimately selecting a recommended alternative for the project.