Since the last public meeting in March 2023, the project Leadership Committee has accepted the Technical Committee’s recommendation to advance Alternative 1B to the next stage of the project. Additional details are provided below.

  1. Alternative 1B is now referred to as the Recommended Alternative and will progress through preliminary design
  2. Preliminary design includes but is not limited to:
    • advancement of vertical and horizontal geometry for roadway and structures
    • advancement of overall project design to support NEPA process and assessment of impacts
    • data collection and evaluation of utilities
    • data collection and evaluation of geotechnical
    • data collection and evaluation of drainage
    • determination of right-of-way needs
  3. Evaluation of the Recommended Alternative through the NEPA process
  4. NEPA process includes but is not limited to:
    • confirmation of project purpose and need
    • data collection and evaluation of environmental and socio-economic resources
    • assessment of Recommended Alternative for potential to impact environmental and socio-economic resources
    • assessment of mitigation requirements for impacts, including natural and built environment
    • evaluation of project phasing opportunities, including potential funding scenarios for construction
    • NEPA process results in a Decision Document approved by CDOT and FHWA
  5. Continued coordination with CDOT regarding the Lone Tree Mobility Hub (currently under design through CDOT) and the two project teams will coordinate to ensure seamless integration of both projects.
  6. Continued coordination with all engaged agencies and stakeholders through the Technical and Leadership Committees
  7. Continued public involvement with the next public meeting anticipated in Fall 2023
  8. Project schedule updated to reflect completion of NEPA and preliminary design in Spring 2024